9:00 AM - Salem Dominican Flag Raising Ceremony 2/27/25
9:30 AM - Strata: Portraits of Humanity
10:00 AM - Explorers LLI: Ted Novakowski; Interesting Places to Visit an Hour From Salem 2-26-25
11:30 AM - Drawing With Fred: The Growling Gorilla Show Fortune Teller Show With Popeye and The 3 Stooges
12:00 PM - Health Links: Aging Strong, Winter Preparedness
12:59 PM - Health Links: Parkinsons Disease and Dementia
2:00 PM - Salem High School Basketball Salem Witches vs. Wakefield Warriors 2/14/25
3:30 PM - Crime Watch: Pedestrian Safety
4:00 PM - FMP Night Owl Club with Rob Burgess
5:30 PM - French Cooking with Isabelle Cnudde: Vegan Gratin de Crepes pt 1
5:55 PM - French Cooking with Isabelle Cnudde: Vegan Gratin de Crepes pt 2
6:18 PM - Here We Are: Greg Lesch, Brattleboro Area Chamber of Commerce E.D.
7:00 PM - Salem School Committee Meeting 3/3/2025 (View)
8:02 PM - Salem High School Building Committee Meeting 2/18/2025 (View)
Event Date:
Import Series
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Import Series/Features For March 2025
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Schedule Information:
3/20/2025 at 3:30 PM
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